Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Fw: How Too Much Screen Time Can Affect Child Development: Greensprings School Advices Parents

Wednesday, November 07, 2018


How Too Much Screen Time Can Affect Child Development - Greensprings

Screen time has become an inescapable reality of modern childhood, with children of every age spending long hours in front of screens, from televisions to computers, tablets, and smartphones etc. Although spending time in front of screens can sometimes be for positive use, as children are able to access various educational apps that help stimulate their brains. Nonetheless, screen time has a long-term negative impact on children.


According to Dolapo Fatoki, Head of School at Greensprings School Ikoyi Campus; we understand that busy working mums sometimes leverage on technology to get a break from their children, by keeping them occupied with games on their phones or tablet; but we strongly encourage parents to explore more creative ways to engage their children with physical activities. These will help prevent them from having a sedentary lifestyle in future and ultimately lead to better health; she added.


The period between birth and age three, in medical terms is called the critical period because the changes that happen in the brain during these tender years become the permanent foundation upon which all later brain function is built.


The human brain within this period develops very quickly and is particularly sensitive to the environment around it.


Some of the negative impacts of too much screen time on children based on research are enumerated below:


        Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.

        Kids who view violent acts on TV are more likely to show aggressive behaviour, and to fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.

        Teens that play violent video games and apps are more likely to be aggressive.


It is so important for parents to keep tabs on their children's screen time and set limits to ensure they are not spending too much time in front of a screen.


When asked what steps parents can employ in order to curtail their children's screen time, Mrs. Okrikri, the Secondary School Principal noted that it may be difficult to totally stop children from spending time on screens in this digital era, however, there must be some form of parental control on these devices and more importantly adult supervision.


A number of studies have emerged that connect delayed cognitive development in children with extended exposure to electronic media.


According to developmental psychopathology expert, Prof Lynne Murray, of the University of Reading, "there are well-established literatures showing the adverse effects of prolonged screen time on the cognitive development of children under three years of age. This has therefore led to the recommendation by the US Pediatric Association that there should be no screen time for children before the age of three.



Written by

Sodiq Oyeleke is a Media, Human Resources, Project Management and Public Relations Practitioner


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