Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sodiq Oyeleke rated second most influential in OAU

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The internationally-recognised Seal Magazine has rated the president of the National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies (NASELS), Sodiq Oyeleke (SDK), as the second most influential student on Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife Campus in 2015.

Apart from being the most beautiful campus in West Africa, OAU ranks among the best university in Nigeria.

In the magazine article titled, '10 Most Influential Students on OAU Campus in 2015' ,  president of OAU Students' Union is ranked first.

The rating featured in the last publication of the Seal Magazine.

SDK, who was rated second was identified for his achievements as president of NASELS OAU and his antecedents before contesting for the position.

Earlier, the Oya Magazine had rated SDK as one of the top 100 Students that shaped OAU in 2015. -
 #OYAOAU100: 100 Students that shaped OAU in 2015 – The Full List

Also, he emerged as the best campus journalist in Nigeria at the recently concluded Nigeria OSCAR Awards in Lagos.

SDK is currently a part three students  ‎of the Department of English and Literary Studies. ‎

When contacted, SDK described the award as a welcome development and a challenge.‎

Among the innovations introduced by SDK as the president of his department are:

-          Tutorial with an average of over 150 students
-          Mock Test and Exam
-          Intervention in mass failure
-          WRIDS Contest
-          Distribution of Past Questions
-          Loan for indigents students
-          NASELS Debate Team
-          50% Scholarship to three outstanding Naselsites
-          Free Course Registration for Naselsites who have paid their annual dues
-          Upload of academic Materials
-          Good relationship with lecturers
-          Literary Day
-          Lecturer-Students Forum – NASELS WEEK
-          Re-opening of Library shut for over a year before emerging as president
-          Literary Day

-          Opening of a Corporate Current Account with United Bank for Africa (UBA)
-          Introduction of Cash Collection Form
-          Generation of Income
-          Financial Management and reduced spending compared to previous administrations

-          Facelift of the Secretariat – Rugging, new chairs, television, painting, wall clock, cabinet, extension box, stamp pad, fan
-          Functioning Photocopier Machine
-          Purchase of official phone
-          New Computer System
-          New Printer
-          Open letter-head paper (without excos name)
-          Purchase of Microphone for classes
-          Career Talk with a foreigner (from South-Africa) as Guest Speaker
-          Media Trip to Punch and Television Continental in Lagos with certificate
-          Production of Fount Magazine since 2011 edition
-          Close completion of NASELS HALF Hour radio programme on Crown FM

-          Organisation of NASELS Ultimate Search, which was first of its kind on OAU campus. Final was held on OAU Mountain (Fans, hot plates among others given to winners)
-          Use of Mainbowl, track event and projection of play station game, purchase of sporting equipment
-          Projection of play station games
-          First Aid Equipment
-          NASELS Marathon
-          NASELS CUP
-          Establishing a Web presence
-          Welfare Day
-         Labelling and placement of Wall Clock in AUD I AND II

-          University Tour for part one students to Museum and Zoo
-          Public Address System procurement for Part One Students
-          Purchase of a brand new Projector for the association
-          Cooking competition
-          Purchase of Digital Signage

Written by

Sodiq Oyeleke is a Media, Human Resources, Project Management and Public Relations Practitioner


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