Monday, August 03, 2015

Displeasure Over Unpaid Departmental Dues

Monday, August 03, 2015

Displeasure Over Unpaid Departmental Dues:
My challenge and truth to all Naselsites

Gone are the days when leadership is worth rolling out drum for.
The windows of power has now been open to political munipulations and people can now take harzadious decision without taking cognizance of posterity.
The sugar cane of time now taste sour like the proverbial flower that was raped by strict sun. 
Truth has long been buried and lies become a close associate.
Well, that is a topic for another day.

Without deviating from the topical-clause of this stony discourse, it is imperative and pertinent that I let you eat out of my vegetables of pain and wet your tongues with the dews of ambassadorial truth.

The Honourable Parliamentarians present reading this should please forgive my linguistic acumen and outrageous use of the word 'LEADERS' which is a sacred word in the revolutionary lexicon.

Through my flashback, I could remember I  wrote an Encomium as regards Leadership after being sworn in as the clerk of the house(NSRC) as evident in the words of Prof. Wole Soyinka that one of the greatest threat to freedom is absence of criticism. There is no quantum of doubt that the House (NSRC) has been criticized owing to the fact that majority of its members are yet to pay their departmental dues.

It is crestfallen that our leaders do not see through the significant spectacle in which i am seeing.
When the head is good, the body needs to be good also. When I read the news this morning at the NCB board as stated to have been said by the president of the Association, in person of Mr. Oyeleke Sodiq. I was perplexed and angered by the clauses and syllables stated by the president " that how would NSRC sit to scrutinize and approve or reject a budget they are not a party to its generation. He also said that the Executive Council would work hard to generate funds for the association while they (NSRC) would sit and scrutinize such fund they know nothing about. To crown it all, he further stated that he would refuse their (NSRC) invitation if he is summoned for meeting which made me bursted, criticized and debunked him in his absence saying he wants to commit a constitutional aberration.

That I will not fold my arms and watch the parliament being referred to as a bane.
After a reasonable atmosphere of thinking as the voice of the house echoing from the minaret of history coupled with experiences. I got the names of all Honourable Parliamentarians and scrutinized it in correlation with the association's president as regards those that are yet to pay their departmental dues with the hope that if I discover that majority has paid, the parliament would have taken action against the said statement but to my dismay, only seven (7) out of twenty (20) members have paid, whose names I will not disclose for security reasons. 
On seeing this, I was abashed of myself and could not express further grievances.

Kindred Spirits of the parliament, I would like to refer us to a Section of our sacrosanct constitution which i believe you all know.
Article 1 ,Section 4 subsection (i) that the membership of Nasels shall be compulsory for every students in the department of English and they shall be financially responsible for the funding of the Association.
At this point of my writing, I know I have stepped on toes as regards this but truth is if we as leaders do not pay our dues, what message are we passing to Naselsites.
I know this might cost me loosing my seat as the Clerk of the house but I will always make clear my probity to Naselsites.
I am and I have been a custodian of the constitution and I will not be a party to committing CONSTITUTIONAL ABERRATION.
Greatest Naselsite!!!!
I salute you , especially those who are still looking radiant and malesome but are yet to pay their dues (Stalites) but can afford make-ups and cosmetics. 
The balloon of neglection and dejection is what we are blowing but the idioms of doing what is right is there to give you a quick burst.
I hereby implore our Leaders and Naselsites who are yet to fulfill their constitutional duties to do so for the progress and uplift of the Association and I hope you will not see this piece as compendium of staggering phraseologies, irrelevant or having no spot of seriousness and intellectual coherency or seeing it as a writing fashioned towards herring for public sympathy.

πŸ”¨Hon. Clerk, NSRC.
     Ibraheem Sulaimon Olayiwola
     πŸ”“ Hon.Alfa.πŸ‘

Written by

Sodiq Oyeleke is a Media, Human Resources, Project Management and Public Relations Practitioner


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