Sunday, February 24, 2013

God told me to go—Pope Benedict

Sunday, February 24, 2013

God told me to go—Pope BenedictIn an emotional goodbye to 100,000 supporters, the Pope revealed on
Sunday  that he is stepping aside because God told him to.
In a voice raw with emotion, Benedict XVI told tens of thousands of
pilgrims in St Peter's Square that he was resigning on February 28
because God had called on him to devote himself to prayer. He said God
had told him 'to climb the mountain'.
Mail Online reports that pilgrims filled the piazza to witness a
historical moment and thank the Pope for his eight year Pontificate at
the Angelus Prayer, his penultimate public appearance as the Pontiff.
Despite recently looking tired and frail,  he spoke in a clear, strong
voice, repeatedly thanking the faithful for their closeness and
affection as they interrupted him, again and again, with applause and
cheers. Police estimated some 100,000 people turned out.
Benedict insisted he was “not abandoning the church.” Instead,
speaking in Italian, he said he would  serve the church with the same
dedication he had until now, but would do so 'in a way more suitable
to my age and my strength'.

He also said he would continue to serve through meditation and prayer
after his historic abdication.
He completed the last Angelus of his tenure by saying he would always
be close to the Church and its people.
A child in the crowd held up a sign on a yellow placard, written in
Italian, 'You are not alone, I'm with you'. Other admirers held signs
simply saying 'Thank you'.

Heavy rain had been forecast for Rome, and some drizzle dampened the
square earlier in the morning, but when Benedict appeared, to the peal
of church bells as the clock struck noon, blue sky crept through the
'We thank God for the sun he has given us,' the Pope said.
The 85-year-old will spend his last years in seclusion in a cloistered
monastery within the confines of Vatican City.
The Pope officially steps down on Thursday. He resigned two weeks ago,
saying he no longer has the mental or physical strength to lead the
world's 1.2billion Catholics. It is the first time a Pope has stepped
down in 600 years.

Vatican-watchers have speculated that his declining health is a key factor.
It has subsequently emerged that the Pope had had a secret heart
operation to replace a pace-maker three months ago.
The Pontiff also suffered a head wound during an official visit to
Mexico last year, which was said to have shaken him.
Senior church figure Vincenzo Paglia, the Bishop of Terni, has claimed
the Pope's memory had deteriorated and that he suffered from
occasional spells of lack of consciousness.

Tending the flock: Pope Benedict XVI delivers his blessing to the huge crowd

The Pope has recently appeared frail, but spoke clearly and strongly today
Other theories have placed Benedict at the centre of a plot by a rebel
faction of cardinals unhappy with his handling of the sexual abuse
The Vatican earlier this week rubbished Italian media reports alleging
the pope's resignation was linked to a secret dossier claiming there
is a 'gay network' inside the clergy.
Italian newspapers have been rife with unsourced reports claiming the
secret dossier from three cardinals reveals an underground network of
senior clergy who have organised gay homosexual parties and faced
La Repubblica newspaper claimed the explosive allegations were made in
a report into the so-called 'Vatileaks' scandal which was presented to
the Pontiff on or around December 17.
But the Vatican accused Italian media of spreading 'false and
damaging' reports in an attempt to influence cardinals who will meet
in a secret conclave next month to elect a new pope.

A date has not been set to hold a vote to elect Benedict XVI's replacement
The Pope has just one more public appearance, at his weekly audience
on Wednesday.
No date has yet been set for the start of the conclave of cardinals,
who will vote in secret to elect Benedict's successor.
One Italian in the crowd seemed to be doing a little campaigning,
hoisting a sign which mentioned the name of two Italian cardinals
considered by observers to be potential contenders in the selection of
the next pontiff.
The cardinals in the conclave will have to decide whether it's time to
look outside of Europe for a pope.
Meanwhile Britain's most senior Catholic clergyman, Cardinal Keith
O'Brien, has been reported to the Vatican for alleged inappropriate
behaviour, it emerged last night.
Three priests and one former priest have sent statements to the papal
nuncio, Antonio Mennini, alleging impropriety dating back to 1980.
As head of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, next week O'Brien
will be part of the conclave choosing the next Pope, but now he faces
demands for his immediate resignation.
As reported by The Observer, one of the priests alleges that he has
needed counselling after an inappropriate relationship with O'Brien.
A second complainant said that he was 18-years-old when O'Brien made
an inappropriate approach after night prayers.
A third said he was invited to 'get to know' O'Brien at the
archbishop's residence only to face 'unwanted behaviour' from O'Brien
after late-night drinking.
The four are all from the diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
A spokesman for the cardinal said that he contests the allegations.

Written by

Sodiq Oyeleke is a Media, Human Resources, Project Management and Public Relations Practitioner


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